Saturday 5 December 2015

Exams (eep)

So the the past week and this week coming will be super stressful for me as my science mocks are coming up. Usually you take them in year 11 but some of us are taking them in year 10 yay us.
Most of the time I'm usually really chilled out about exams but this one is driving me crazy. I cannot wait until this week coming up finishes and I'm no longer as stressed until the summer when I actually have to take the exams (kill me now).
I just wish that we didn't have exams and instead they just monitored our brains saw what we had in there and then said "Ah yes she's capable of this much, you may pass." But no we have to take stupid exams and pass said exams.
By pass I mean A* cause my mum will not accept anything less, legit I'm scared to take anything less than that to her because I'm pretty sure she'd fricking kill me.
Anyway if you guys are taking exams whether in Britain or not comment below and we can procrastinate together.

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