Friday 4 December 2015

Small Intro

Hey Guys! Welcome to my blog, I may be quite crappy with this as it is relatively new. The theme for this blog is that there is absolutely no theme (sorry to disappoint). So to jump onto a new topic I shall start by telling you guys a little about myself (if there is anyone out there).

10 Facts About Me

1) I am completely and catastrophically in love with Halsey.

2) I adore the Harry Potter series (since 2006)

3)I love reading in general.

4) Favourite school subject; Chemistry

5) I am turning 15 on December 16th (yay getting older *sarcasm*)

6) I love rock/ alternative music ( big fan of indie too)

7) Not afraid to admit I am a ginormous nerd

8) Not a massive fan of YouTube but fine bros and Onision (aaaaah)

9) I'd love to get a nose piercing, blue hair and tattoos as soon as I'm old enough for my mum to not tell me what to do.

10) I'm British and a massive fan of criminal minds and the new marvel show Jessica Jones.

These are a few facts about me, decidedly not very significant but still; it's nice to share with you guys! Adding a picture of Halsey because she is fricking hot.

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